Onua and the Fire Scorpions transcript

A group of Onu-Koronans run into a cavern. The leader raises his torch to shed light onto the wall. There, we see the shadows of a large figure being attacked by many buglike shapes. The shadow slides away, and the source of it - Onua - steps into view. He is combating a number of Kofo-Jaga scorpions. One lands on him, sending him falling backward. The scorpions swarm over Onua, but he is far from finished. He stands, flinging the creatures off of him. More approach, trepidatious, but after a moment begin flinging themselves at him once again. Onua is prepared and parries their attacks, shoving them off and away.

Finally, Onua sees the source of the problem: A firey crevass in the floor, from which the scorpions are emerging. He turns and grasps a huge boulder in the chamber. With a mighty tug, he lifts it from its place, and turns toward the crevass. Scorpions retreat into the hole even as Onua drops the boulder atop it, sealing them in. The leader of the Onu-Koronans salutes Onua, and he returns with a short salute of his own.


By emily. Most assets produced by Templar Games, Inc. for the Lego Group. Neither party approves authorizes, or endorses this work.