![Legend](../img/txt_legend.gif) |
media appearance acronyms
ACAB ♦ A Cancelled Activity Book. a lot of the art was reused in QFTM but this is counted separately. the acronym doesnt mean anything else.
AGB ♦ the bionicle gameboy advance game.
DC ♦ the bionicle comic from detective comics.
LA! ♦ the bionicle comics in lego adventures magazine. !!!
LC ♦ the lego club. either in the magazine or online.
MNOG ♦ the mata nui online game.
PC ♦ the bionicle PC game.
QFTM ♦ the story cards from the quest for the masks trading card game
description sources
hover over the ![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) at the start of an official description on an entry to see where it is originally from. There are a few sources used:
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) the bionicle website of 2002. these are sometimes modified from presumed original versions to talk about the bohrok, but they are all we have in some cases.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) the bionicle website lexicon of 2002. these are very perfunctory and only cited when nothing else exists.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) the nintendo power guide to the gameboy advance game. these ones talk about gameing.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) QFTM story cards. these are probably excerpted from an early story bible.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) the glossary in the PC game. truncated descriptions from a similar source to the story cards.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) lego club buildit bios.
![dash](../img/gfx_gear1.gif) normal bionicle.com 2001 bios.