Photo of a Sand Tarakava in a rocky gravel area. It is a yellow, upright creature with a tread at its base. A lizard-like head is flanked by two thin, long arms in a boxing position.
Sand Tarakava Boxing Lizard
name source: Fijian. From tara (to catch); kava (fish). Read more
set #: none :(
media: MNOG
family members: Boxing LizardKing of Lizards

official descriptions

break The Tarakava, perhaps more than any other Rahi, are known for their wily sneak attacks. These boxing lizards prepare for battle by taking to a sandy pit, deep pool, or ocean shallows, submerging themselves until only their eyes appear above the surface. Then, when prey approaches, they leap into action!

break Boxing lizards are masters of the surprise attack. They lie in wait deep under water or buried in the sand.

break A desert-dwelling breed of Tarakava.


This prototype of 8549 was given its own small spot in MNOG, and in our hearts. There is A Lot to this so read my blog about it for the full story.

mark's photos of the actual prototype (2002)

Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype front view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype left view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype right view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype back view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype top view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype with the two Tarakava from the final set.
group photo

mark's photos of the actual prototype (2022)

Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype side view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype back view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype top view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype treads.
head construction
Certificate of Tarakava's authenticity.
mask comparison
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype side view.
Photo of the Sand Tarakava prototype back view.
certificate of authentic lizard


Photo of the Sand Tarakava punching from an angle. Photo of the Sand Tarakava capture from a dramatic upward angle. Photo of the Sand Tarakava punching from the side.
Photo close up on the Sand Tarakava's face. Photo of the Sand Tarakava punching from above. Photo of the Sand Tarakava straight-on.
Footer. An old Bionicle mask, eaten away by fungi and molds.