Chapter III: A Prophecy for Onua

Onua is the Spirit of the Earth. He protects the land and shows great care for it. Onua is a good Spirit - his wrath is aroused by mistreatment of the land. He is then able to cause avalanches and earthquakes, destroying trees, rocks and people's homes.

People cared about their land, so Onua made sure they could live peacefully and that the land would be kind to them.

The Tohunga waited for the fulfillment of the prophecy that foretold the coming of Onua and his Toa brethren. It was they who were to restore peace and prosperity to Mata Nui....

Onua was to travel the world in search of the Kanohi Masks of Power.

According to the words of the prophecy, at the beginning of Onua's stay on earth he was to be blinded by even the slightest ray of sunlight - because Onua is used to staying in dark corners of tunnels and caves.

However, his great hearing will help him - thanks to it Onua will hear voices coming from one of the Turaga villages.

The Tohunga will initially be frightened of Onua. Fear will overwhelm them at the thought that the Spirit is coming to punish them with mudslides and earthquakes.

Soon, however, the Tohunga will realize that Onua's arrival is the first part of a prophecy coming true. They will therefore bring him one of the Turaga's Masks of Power - the Kanohi Ruru. After putting on the Mask, Onua will understand the purpose of his arrival on earth....

Onua will tell the Tohunga about his quest and that his task is to find the great Mask of Power. The Tohunga will tell him about their leader, Turaga Whenua. It is Turaga Whenua who will help Onua. However, he must be found - as he is hiding in deep caves.

At nightfall, Onua will set out to find the caves. He will reach them after overcoming many dangers, among which, in addition to sharp rocks, there will be snakes and vicious ants.

Turaga Whenua will recognize Onua. And since he knows the words of the prophecy, he will rejoice - he knows that Onua's arrival marks the beginning of the fight against Makuta - the fight to regain peace on Mata Nui. At the same time, the Turaga will be gripped by anxiety - he knows that a powerful monster will stand in Onua's way to find the Masks of Power. The monster will guard the entrance to the cave that hides the Masks.

Despite the warning, Onua will set out on his journey. He will be accompanied by a terrifying sound - a sound he has never heard before and which only a great monster - the work of Makuta - could make.

Onua will be aware of all the dangers he will face if he takes up arms against Makuta. However, he will join forces with the other Toa - and together they will free the land from Makuta's rule.

They will meet their destiny. Only together can they restore happiness to the people of Mata Nui.

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