![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They left the boat banked on the beach and walked inland on an overgrown road. Kotu climbed over a fallen tree blocking the way, and Macku clambered to follow. She sat on top for a moment, gazing back in the direction of the beach. The view was already obscured by trees and overgrowth. Macku made a small, anxious sound; a sigh approaching a whine. Kotu knew that sound. She had learned it was unconscious on Macku's part and had decided not to tell her about it. It was cute, and it also let Kotu know something was wrong. "Feeling ponderous?" she called out, leaning on a tree as she watched her friend. "This road doesn't seem... safe," Macku replied after a moment. "It must have been abandoned for a reason. Tarakava will prey along inland trails sometimes, you know." "Oh, so you don't think I could punch a Tarakava's mask off before it punched mine??"
Macku stiffened up slightly and took a quick, nervous survey for immediate threats (there were none), but smiled genuinely at Kotu and nodded. ![]() Some half of an hour into the trek with no immediate end in sight, Macku ventured, "will you tell me what it is yet?" "Nope!" was the response. Kotu let her momentum carry her at a sprint down a hill, braking herself on a tree at the base and stopping to watch as Macku picked her way down. "How have you even been this way before?" "Remember the story of Gali and the King of the Brakas?" "That is not an answer to my question!!” Macku caught up to Kotu and lightly shouldered her. Kotu shouldered back and continued. ![]() ![]() There were many roads known little to person or creature in those days, and Gali walked one in search of the Mask of Concealment. After a ways, she came upon an old Takara-circle that was now a crystal spring. In the center, the dias had been claimed by the King of the Brakas. Gali, who knew not of this, strode to the dias and wondered that such a place should be abandoned. And the King of the Brakas dropped down from the canopy and asked, "who are you that you would stand upon my throne?" And though he stood before Gali, she could not see him. Never the less, she replied, "I am called Gali, known in many places as the Spirit of Water. All places where water gushes forth from the earth, as here, are my domain." The King laughed deeply at this, and returned to the canopy to swing about the circle, singing the Toa's name.
That riddle Gali pondered greatly. Then, quick of mind, she brought her arms up, and took into them her Mask of Water. So same did the King of the Brakas, who removed his Mask of Concealment and became clear to Gali at once. "Your challenge was a grand one, mighty king," said Gali, who knew now her opponent. "Your wordcraft is great, and brings to me good counsel. I am known by my mask as the Spirit of all Waters, and to this I am indebted my power. But under that surface I am Gali, a simple woman, who cannot be all things and all places."
The King of the Brakas lowered his head, offering in his hands the Mask of Concealment. And Gali took that mask and placed it upon her face, and at once she understood more of her place in the world, and knew that so long as she wore this mask, she might be unknown to the creatures of the Makuta. She bowed in return to the King of the Brakas, and took leave of his throne as she continued down the old road. ![]() "Okay. Can you say where we are going now?" Macku asked. "Guess!" Kotu answered. "Um... this is the scenic route to the Great Temple." "Guess based on context clues from my story." "Are you telling me you know where the King of the Brakas lives??" Kotu winked in response. "Do you really not know about this? I knew you already knew the story but I thought you'd know this part too." "Maybe I would if you would explain it to me!!!" Macku draped herself over Kotu's back in exasperation.
"When we got to the circle," Kotu continued, "we sang the Song of Gali and, like in the story, we all took off our masks." Macku stumbled over a branch and swung around to Kotu. "You WHAT???" Kotu giggled. "I mean it was a formal group activity, don't get too excited~," her wry smile played across her eyes, leaving Macku to look away, flushed. "… But yes, we all took off our masks and stood there in silence for a couple minutes. Then there was a feast, and when the sun set we returned to town." "S... so why..." Macku began, still looking away. "The following year, Nokama decided it had become too dangerous to make the trip, with everything going on... and it's been like that since then." "So this road IS dangerous!!" Macku hopped in front of Kotu's path, pointing accusatorialy and reflexively glancing around for any immediate threats (there were none).
"I... I..." Macku looked away again, blushing. "You... I… I can put up with the threat of a lizard attack, if its for you. And only for you." Kotu giggled again, letting Macku's arm go and tackling her in a hug. "Oh, you like me soo much you'll face deathly punches? I must be really important to youu~" "Stooooooop!!" Macku whined, but she hugged back. ![]() ![]() Before long, they had reached the Takara-circle. The two shared a meal of dried fruit and fish, listening to the babble of the spring and the hymns of the jungle as they talked and considered the Great Thoughts in their own ways. "It's nice, isn't it?" Kotu said after a while.
Kotu took Macku's chin in her hand and gently guided her to face herself. Then, Kotu carefully removed her own mask, letting Macku see her exposed face. This wasn't the first time Macku had seen a face, but it was the first time she had examined one in detail. The soft smile she knew from Kotu's eyes carried across to the rest of her features, a playful expression legible on her mouth, touched perhaps by a faint spirit of nervousness. A panoply of shapes and features from cheek to cheek gave Macku a window into Kotu's heart she had never imagined might exist, and she felt in this moment she had grown in knowledge about the world. She wasn't sure how long she had been staring when Kotu gave a slight, questioning nod. Macku nodded in assent. Then she shut her eyes and sat very very very still as she felt her mask being lifted away from her. For a while, there was silence. Then she heard a giggle. "Its a lot easier to see how embarrassed you are this way, its written all over you. Not that it was hard to tell before, anyway~" ![]() That got Macku to snap her eyes open, and she covered her face in her arms reflexively. "No fair, being like that!!!!" "Heyyy come on, hiding your face like that destroys the point!" Kotu pried, bonking against her. "Arms are like a makeshift mask, when used so insidiously!!" Macku relented, exposing again her (apparently flushed and embarrassed) face. "Thank youuu~" Kotu cooed, leaning in and resting her forehead directly on Macku's. Macku jumped slightly at the sensation. They were lost in each other's eyes for a long while. Then Kotu leaned in closer. In that place, they could see eachother, and share eachother. ![]() |