Animations icon. A suspended hook with mushrooms growing in its crest.

emily's original bionicle animations. from an older time... for now.....

Onua and the Fire Scorpions ∵ 2019.04.22 ∵ Runtime 00:01:34

My adaption of Templar's unused storyboards for an MNOG cutscene. Onua fights scorpions in it. When they didn't have time to animate it, Onua was rolled into the next chapter instead, where he fights Lewa because there are no scorpions.

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Art of Onua's mask, looking slightly down. The black color is dusty.
Art of Gali's mask, looking slightly down. The blue color is washed out.
Water Pressure ∵ 2017.10.15 ∵ Runtime 00:22:24

Gali is depressed and the only thing that can help her is the power of two lesbians.

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Trial by Tahu ∵ 2016.09.02 ∵ Runtime 00:17:13

What if a guy was super pissed, and everyone became weirdly condescending to him until he stopped? you can find out about it here.

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Art of Tahu's mask, looking slightly down. The red color is overcooked.
Art of Lewa's mask, looking slightly down. The green color is wilted.
Lewa and the Rama ∵ 2016.03.21 ∵ Runtime 00:02:37

What if a guy was so oblivious, that he forgot he is not god and died from attacking 100000 bees? you can find out about it here.

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These currently have no transcripts
Bohrok vs Boxor

Im making another animation i promise. it will be done in 1000000000000 years

Footer. An old Bionicle mask, eaten away by fungi and molds.